3 methods of heatless curls

3 methods of heatless curls

3 methods of heatless curls

Heya! I’m baaaack πŸ˜‰ this time I’ll be sharing with you the 3 heatless curls methods I do almost errrrvryday!!! I had my hair cut last month so I’ve been trying to experiment with my short to medium hair length πŸ˜‰

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1. The double french braid

I like this look since I really dig the beachy waves. For this, the tighter the braid and the smaller the sections, the smaller the waves. For more loose and bigger waves, take bigger sections and gently pull out some parts to make the braid a little loose.


For more defined curls, use a moose OR (self discovery haha) use sunflower oil on your hair before doing your braid. Trust me it works wonderfully! I will post an article about is soon for you to see πŸ˜‰

2. The foam curlers

I’ve posted a tutorial about these curlers before, (click hereΒ ) and so far this method is my favorite. I get the curls I want and I get to control the direction of the curls ( how technical lol ). BTW, I bought my new set of foams curlers from an Instagram shop @theainstashop for Php 150.

3. The head band curls

This method is probably better for you if you want the foam curler type of curls but you still want to sleep very comfortably at night πŸ˜‰ (the foam curlers takes time for you to get used to and be able to sleep with them on )

You can find tons of tutorials how to do this method on YouTube.

The only thing I struggle with in this method is taking out the head band and revealing your curls. The back part of my hair gets tangled to the headband and to some part of my hair. This is normal I think since you twist your hair and when I sleep the back part of my head and my pillow sandwiches the hair twisted on the head band .

I did not have a head band and was to lazy to go look and buy one SO I made one by myself using a tshirt πŸ˜‰ Will post a DIY article about it soon

Poll time!!!!

So there! 3 heatless curls for you to try and hopefully this post was helpful πŸ˜‰

Always remember that for heatless curls, do the method with damp hair (not dripping wet, or else you get gross hair) then leave it for 3-5 hours depending on how your hair can take the form of a curl ORRR you can simply leave it overnight and wake up with curly hair (that looks like you spent a lot of time on it) Β πŸ˜‰

Feel free to leave suggestions or comments or questions below πŸ˜‰

Til next time, Bye! β™‘

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