3 methods of heatless curls

3 methods of heatless curls

3 methods of heatless curls

Heya! I’m baaaack 😉 this time I’ll be sharing with you the 3 heatless curls methods I do almost errrrvryday!!! I had my hair cut last month so I’ve been trying to experiment with my short to medium hair length 😉 Continue reading


My life after rebonding

Rebonding. If you are reading this and you are from the Philippines, then I am 100% sure you know what I am talking about.

I had my 1st rebonding experience back in 2004 (I think) when it was very expensive and very popular. From then on, I had to go back to the salon to have my regrowth rebonded.. and that went on for yeaaaaaaars (2012).

Then I realized,  will I keep my hair rebonded every time it has hair regrowing from my scalp FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?? All those money wasted and hours spent in the salon.

I mean, yeah, it looks “perfect”. Pin straight hair, manageable,  always in place, you look lije those asian chick in that hair shampoo commercial or that actress from that show. Continue reading


Hair care update : Products I use



Hey dolls! :*

I am back for another hair topic! My update hair care products 🙂

For those of you who are new to my blog, or not aware, I love dyeing my hair and I tend to bleach it a lot. So I changed my hair products to take care of my dry and damaged hair for all the chemicals I used :p Continue reading


Heatless Beach waves

Heatless beach waves

Heatless beach waves

Beach waves ♥

Beach waves ♥


Hey dolls! I am back for another heatless tutorial 😉 I’ve been doing this to my hair for about 2 months now and I am loving it since it is SO EASY and very practical since most of us girls don’t really have time in the morning to get our hair done and we always keep in mind the commute we go through going to work. We don’t want our hair to get ruined especially when it took you 2 hours to style it haha.

Summer is just around the corner! This hair is perfect for the beach 😉 or for normal days haha!

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